
總裁枕符合枕頭人體工學的設計,為長期習慣側睡姿勢的消費者,提供更健康及穩定的睡眠。 The special design for side sleep folding pillow will provide comfortable sleep for person who likes side sleep. 特殊專利釋壓反摺區_Decompression Folding Zone 左右側睡舒耳區_Ear Recess Zone 3D頸部支撐區_3D Neck Support Zone 肩線曲線區_Shoulder Curve Zone 兩翼側睡區_Side Sleep Wing Zone 雙頰服貼區_Cheek Comfort Zone 頂骨支撐區_Parietal Bone Support Zone 獨特的4D枕型設計,源自於我們對顧客的關心,真正達到[釋壓、好眠] This 4D design style pillow, which can take care customer’s health. It will make you sleep very well.

商品狀況: 全新
出貨地點: 台北市


枕頭尺寸:60x 37 x 7/8.5/10CM ±5% 



LaSova pillows can help you to relax your neck muscle by using Cranio Sacral Therapy, which release people restrictions in the cranio sacral system by using a soft touch generally no greater than 5 grams, or about the weight of a nickel. It will make you get a nice sleep and the deep-sleep can also help people to recovery their own body.









LaSova 應用肌肉動力學測試- 幫助您挑選適合您的枕頭高度



Kinesiology is a scientific study of human or non-human body movement. Kinesiology addresses physiological, biomechanical, and psychological mechanisms of movement. Applications of kinesiology to human health include biomechanics and orthopedics; strength and conditioning; sport psychology; methods of rehabilitation, such as physical and occupational therapy; and sport and exercise. Studies of human and animal motion include measures from motion tracking systems, electrophysiology of muscle and brain activity, various methods for monitoring physiological function, and other behavioral and cognitive research techniques.

This is a very best way for you to choose the pillow to suit you by using Kinesiology.


LaSova 摺枕使用方法 (歡迎您至全省門市體驗)

  1. 將枕頭呈[山]型缺口朝頭部上方置放,以仰睡姿勢躺下
  2. 將枕頭中央反摺,使頂端位置拉至肩線,顱底位置接近摺線底部,可依個人體型身材不同微調
  3. 讓頭顱、頸椎有被拖起的感覺即可
  4. 每次使用5-15分鐘,復原與減壓的效果將日趨明顯
  5. 使用5-15分鐘後,可將反摺處恢復平整狀態,或呈側睡姿勢時反摺處自動回復攤平

How to use Folding Pillow

- Lay down in Back Sleep posture and align your head in the center of the pillow.

- Use your hands to grab the two corners of the tongue then fold the tongue and place the tongue underneath your head and cervical spine.

- Adjust the Folding Depth of the tongue to your most comfortable position.

- Use the folding function for 5 to 15 minutes each time, the restoration and decompression effects will increase day by day.

- You can fold flat the tongue manually, or the foldable tongue will automatically rebound to its original FLAT position when you roll over or change to side sleep posture.

- The pillow is used as a well designed ergonomic pillow when the tongue is not folded.




LaSova 摺枕之表布使用NASA – Outlast 雙向控溫調節的高科技材質,其主動管理熱量技術在溫度高的時候有降溫的效果,在溫度低的時候有幫助您保暖的效果。讓您在睡眠中減少溫差變化,降低出汗量,促進使用者達到深層睡眠的效果,讓你一夜好眠,找人體工學枕非它莫屬。

LaSova Folding pillow use the outlast Functional Fabric certified by NASA, which can control temperature by using the special technology from the material. Either cold or hot, you will feel comfortable when you use LaSova’s products with outlast functional fabric.





1. Using high density MDI memory Foam
2. Our products achieve the highest specification test for toxic material, heavy metal, etc.
3. Our products pass the SGS & Intertek tests.




商品注意事項  Product Notes

▲ 使用若有任何不適,請即刻停止使用,並請教醫生。
▲ 此為個人衛生用品,ㄧ經拆封,恕不退換。
▲ 依照消費者保護法規定,線上購物消費者均享有商品到貨七天猶豫期之權益。
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